I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise Edition and created simple Asp.net5 application. When I try to debug I'm getting this error.
The Dnx Runtime package needs to be installed. See output window for more details
Here are my project settings:
Solution DNX SDK Version : 1.0.0-beta5,
Platform : .NET Core
Architecture : x64
(Tried with x86 as well)
Also followed the steps mentioned in this link but they didn't help.
Tried reinstalling VS2015 as well, but no luck. Any idea what I'm missing?
I have met with same issue and here I found the solution.To begin with you need an internet connection and visit the this link:
First of all,you need to set the path in Environment Variables for Powershell , example:
And then enter the following comments mentioned in the website..in Command Prompt(cmd.exe).