This problem is getting me really crazy. Xcode is looking for a storyboard in my project in a differente location from my project. I tryed removing the file, adding it again, cleaning the project, etc but didn't have luck.
This is the error.
cd /Users/fmartin91/Projects/loovin/loovin-ios
setenv PATH "/Applications/"
setenv XCODE_DEVELOPER_USR_PATH /Applications/
/Applications/ --errors --warnings --notices --minimum-deployment-target 7.0 --output-format human-readable-text --compile /Users/fmartin91/Projects/loovin/loovin-ios/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/ /Users/fmartin91/Projects/Base.lproj/LOOVProductIndex.storyboard
/* */
error: Interface Builder could not open the document
"LOOVProductIndex.storyboard" because it does not exist.
I encountered same problem when moving the project to another computer. I followed below steps to solve this issue:
This happened to me after a git merge. I changed some storyboard localized files from one project to another and Xcode seems to keep on searching the file in the old project.
My solution was:
I could solve my issue, i really don't know how i did it but the things i tried were cleaning and building the project like a billion times, i hope this will be of help to anyone.
I just experienced this, and fixed it by restarting the darn computer. I found out more about it, though. In my case, my ibtool scripts weren't working, giving file-not-found errors just like yours. However I noticed a change in behavior when I ran them as sudo:
Subsequent commands would fail or return without doing anything. So! ibtool/Interface Builder/whatever is somehow using some other launching service to run itself, with some other username or privileges.
Could it be that I installed some tool updates for Xcode 5.0, and it screwed up whatever serving process was running? Yes it could :)
For me resetting the container folder of Main.storyboard file worked
I encountered this same issue and here's how I resolved it: