I saw other protractor related post mentioning about how to wait for an element to become visible. However, recently, I ran into an opposite use case. I wanted to wait for an element until it becomes invisible. Since I could not find anything specific about it. I went ahead and came up with a solution.
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
ptor.wait(function() {
return element(by.css('#my-css-here')).isDisplayed().then(function(isVisible){
console.log('is visible :' + isVisible);
return !isVisible;
}, 12000).then(function(){
//do whatever you want
hopefully it helps. any suggestion is welcome.
From @Machtyn This should be the correct answer:
var EC=protractor.ExpectedConditions; browser.wait(EC.not(EC.presenceOf(el)), someTimeoutInMilli);
Using the elementexplorer (https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/debugging.md) I looked at the protractor object and found an answer that is working wonderfully for me:
None of the solution working for me. Please take a look at below code: