I'm working on a site which I havent coded from scratch and in firebug the css files are being displayed as: style.css.pagespeed.ce.5d2Z68nynm.css with the pagespeed extension. Can anyone tell me what's doing this as I can't find it. I'm guessing mod-pagespeed possibly running on server? I want to turn it off for now because it's caching my css and stopping updates which is really annoying to develop with.
Thanks in advance.
Alister is right. There are other two ways I know to do this. With a .htaccess shared through many domains and you want to disable PageSpeed only on a single domain, you can add to the bottom of the .htaccess file:
It means that you can have two domains, one for the developement (ModPagespeedDisallow) and one with ModPagespeed active. Never tried but should it works, avoiding visitor getting a not optimized page during development.
Or you can add ?ModPagespeed=off to the url as stated on mod_pagespeed FAQ.
Another thing you can do is leave *mod_pagespeed* out of your ssl.conf file. This way, you can access your site via https for development.
Kind of a hack, I know, but it's handy in some cases where you need to make very quick changes.
GoDaddy Cloud Bitnami Config
/stack/apache2/conf/nano pagespeed.conf
Turn Off
To make mod_pagespeed reflect changes to assets immediately, you can configure LoadFromFile: https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/module/domains#ModPagespeedLoadFromFile
This will not work for css/js/images served from virtual handlers, but any changes to static content will be re-optimized immediately. In addition to that, optimization itself will usually be finished a lot faster because loading assets from disk is cheaper then fetching them from http(s).
Just as an aside, on this old post, I wrote a PHP script to delete the contents of the pagespeed cache folders (which I placed within the var/www/html area) and added a button to the Magento admin cache control page to call it. This way, whenever the Magento cache needs clearing I can also hit the button to clear the pagespeed cache. The script can be IP and admin restricted. This saves a lot of messing about. You could use a recursive delete folder function like this (careful with your paths!! :) ):
If you're using a W3C Total Cache plugin on WordPress you can try that to deactivate and view the file via inspect mode and always clear cache for the changes.