I need to be able to log/receive an email when a 404 error occurs. I can see in the docs how to set up a new template for these errors, but how do I catch them in the first place in my controller so that I can implement the logging/emailing logic?
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Maybe adding an event listener listening for the kernel.exception event would do it? Check out http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/internals.html#kernel-exception-event along with http://symfony.com/doc/current/reference/dic_tags.html#dic-tags-kernel-event-listener
A little example:
1) Create a custom Listener
2) Add the listener to your config
To get hold of the logging or mailing (Swiftmailer) services, you might consider injecting them into the listener (http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/service_container.html#referencing-injecting-services)