I know how to rotate image on any angle with drawTexturePath:
int displayWidth = Display.getWidth();
int displayHeight = Display.getHeight();
int[] x = new int[] { 0, displayWidth, displayWidth, 0 };
int[] x = new int[] { 0, 0, displayHeight, displayHeight };
int angle = Fixed32.toFP( 45 );
int dux = Fixed32.cosd(angle );
int dvx = -Fixed32.sind( angle );
int duy = Fixed32.sind( angle );
int dvy = Fixed32.cosd( angle );
graphics.drawTexturedPath( x, y, null, null, 0, 0, dvx, dux, dvy, duy, image);
but what I need is a 3d projection of simple image with 3d transformation (something like this)
Can you please advice me how to do this with drawTexturedPath (I'm almost sure it's possible)?
Are there any alternatives?
The method used by this function(2 walk vectors) is the same as the oldskool coding tricks used for the famous 'rotozoomer' effect. rotozoomer example video
This method is a very fast way to rotate, zoom, and skew an image. The rotation is done simply by rotating the walk vectors. The zooming is done simply by scaling the walk vectors. The skewing is done by rotating the walkvectors in respect to one another (e.g. they don't make a 90 degree angle anymore).
Nintendo had made hardware in their SNES to use the same effect on any of the sprites and or backgrounds. This made way for some very cool effects.
One big shortcoming of this technique is that one can not perspectively warp a texture. To do this, every new horizontal line, the walk vectors should be changed slightly. (hard to explain without a drawing).
On the snes they overcame this by altering every scanline the walkvectors (In those days one could set an interrupt when the monitor was drawing any scanline). This mode was later referred to as MODE 7 (since it behaved like a new virtual kind of graphics mode). The most famous games using this mode were Mario kart and F-zero
So to get this working on the blackberry, you'll have to draw your image "displayHeight" times (e.g. Every time one scanline of the image). This is the only way to achieve the desired effect. (This will undoubtedly cost you a performance hit since you are now calling the drawTexturedPath function a lot of times with new values, instead of just one time).
I guess with a bit of googling you can find some formulas (or even an implementation) how to calc the varying walkvectors. With a bit of paper (given your not too bad at math) you might deduce it yourself too. I've done it myself too when I was making games for the Gameboy Advance so I know it can be done.
Be sure to precalc everything! Speed is everything (especially on slow machines like phones)
EDIT: did some googling for you. Here's a detailed explanation how to create the mode7 effect. This will help you achieve the same with the Blackberry function. Mode 7 implementation
With the following code you can skew your image and get a perspective like effect:
This will skew your image in a 45º angle, if you want a certain angle you just need to use some trigonometry to determine the lengths of your vectors.
Thanks for answers and guidance, +1 to you all.
MODE 7 was the way I choose to implement 3D transformation, but unfortunately I couldn't make drawTexturedPath to resize my scanlines... so I came down to simple drawImage.
Assuming you have a Bitmap inBmp (input texture), create new Bitmap outBmp (output texture).
Somewhere in code create a Graphics outBmpGraphics for outBmp.
Then do following in iteration from start y to (texture height)* y transform factor:
1.create a Bitmap lineBmp = new Bitmap(width, 1) for one line
2.create a Graphics lineBmpGraphics from lineBmp
3.paint i line from texture to lineBmpGraphics
4.encode lineBmp to EncodedImage img
5.scale img according to MODE 7
6.paint img to outBmpGraphics
Note: Richard Puckett's PNGEncoder BB port used in my code
Then just draw it in paint()
To scale, I've do something similar to method described in Resizing a Bitmap using .scaleImage32 instead of .setScale
See also
J2ME Mode 7 Floor Renderer - something much more detailed & exciting if you writing a 3D game!
You want to do texture mapping, and that function won't cut it. Maybe you can kludge your way around it but the better option is to use a texture mapping algorithm.
This involves, for each row of pixels, determining the edges of the shape and where on the shape those screen pixels map to (the texture pixels). It's not so hard actually but may take a bit of work. And you'll be drawing the pic only once.
GameDev has a bunch of articles with sourcecode here:
Wikipedia also has a nice article:
Another site with 3d tutorials:
In your place I'd seek out a simple demo program that did something close to what you want and use their sources as base to develop my own - or even find a portable source library, I´m sure there must be a few.