I am trying to import a csv file directly into Google Cloud SQL using the command below.
LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE "gs:/zuds/stg/ems/product_offering_fact/000002_0" INTO TABLE buydoc CHARACTER SET "utf8" FIELDS TERMINATED BY "^";
For some reason, it is returning an error like below. I have confirmed that the file exists. However, notice that the path in the error string has only one '/' Is this a bug or am I missing something obvious?
ERROR 2 (HY000) at line 1: File 'gs:/zuds/stg/ems/product_offering_fact/000002_0' not found (Errcode: 2)
Note:If I use the UI described in the link below, it works. However, the UI does not support non-comma delimited files. https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/import-export
Cloud SQL doesn't support running LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE with "gs://" path. From the UI, as the doc suggests, only comma delimited files are supported at this point. Here are two workarounds:
Additionally, the mysql command line will not understand a gs:// file reference.