I've been trying to use the zipfile
and shutil.make_archive
modules to recursively create a zip file of a directory. Both modules work great--except empty directories do not get added to the archive. Empty directories containing other empty directories are also silently skipped.
I can use 7Zip to create an archive of the same path and empty directories are preserved. Therefore I know this is possible within the file format itself. I just don't know how to do it within Python. Any ideas? Thanks!
This is lifted from Adding folders to a zip file using python but is the only function I have tried that works. The one listed as the answer does not work under Python 2.7.3 (doesn't copy empty directories and is inefficient). The following is tried and tested:
There is a example using zipfile:
You'll need to register a new archive format to do that, since the default ZIP archiver does not support that. Take a look at the meat of the existing ZIP archiver. Make your own archiver that creates directories using that currently-unused
variable. I looked for how to create an empty directory and found this:With that, you should be able to write the necessary code to make it archive empty directories.