How can I add an URL to the trusted site? It seems that there are stored in the registry, but where exactly?
The hints I've googled so far weren't helpfull.
The .net programm will run locally on each client.
Edit clarification: I want to do this programmaticly running C# code.
Adding Sites Programmatically
Check this solution at CodeGuru forums.
In summary, this code uses the COM library, a library which you did say you wished to avoid. However, there is no workaround this situation. Another thing to mention is that this code is written in C++, as the guy who wrote it, CorithMartin, ported it from C#.
The following should give you the way to do it in code...
Here's a way to simplify the process.
The ECHO [HKEY_CURRENT_USER... and ECHO "https"... lines can be repeated for each provider checked. For the "ALL" provider, use an asterisk in place of "https", like such:
Run the .bat file using this call:
After the .bat file is ran (takes mere microseconds), delete both the bat file and tempTS directory.
(a.k.a. GNoter, TechStuffBC)
Credit where credit is due:
It lies indeed in the registry, and it's described right there:
Beware of the UAC in Vista though. It's a real pain to deal with.
To add a new trusted zone it creates zone registry keys and folders on the path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains for each domain it creates a new key with domain name ( a new key under this one with the subdomain (www) and under this one a new REG_DWORD with name of the scheme (http or https) value 2 on hexadecimal and that is it,you got it done