I'm trying to use the rmagic extension for the IPython notebook, using Python 2.7.6 via Enthought Canopy.
When I try the following example:
import numpy as np
import pylab
X = np.array([0,1,2,3,4])
Y = np.array([3,5,4,6,7])
pylab.scatter(X, Y)
%Rpush X Y
%R lm(Y~X)$coef
I get an error:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-7-96dff2c70ba0> in <module>()
1 get_ipython().magic(u'Rpush X Y')
----> 2 get_ipython().magic(u'R lm(Y~X)$coef')
/Users/hrob/Library/Enthought/Canopy_64bit/User/lib/python2.7/site-packages/IPython/extensions/rmagic.pyc in eval(self, line)
212 res = ro.r("withVisible({%s})" % line)
213 value = res[0] #value (R object)
--> 214 visible = ro.conversion.ri2py(res[1])[0] #visible (boolean)
215 except (ri.RRuntimeError, ValueError) as exception:
216 warning_or_other_msg = self.flush() # otherwise next return seems to have copy of error
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'ri2py'
I can't find anyone else who's had the same problem and don't know enough to solve it myself. There is no definition for ri2py in conversion.py though.
I initially had installed Anaconda and was running python notebook through that, with exactly the same results.
rpy2 (version 2.4.0) installed successfully but when I test it I get 1 expected failure as follows:
python -m 'rpy2.robjects.tests.__init__'
testNewWithTranslation (testFunction.SignatureTranslatedFunctionTestCase) ... expected failure
I don't know if that's related.
Can anyone suggest what the problem might be and how I might fix it? Are the versions of python, R, etc. that I'm using compatible or do I need to re-install/update something?
Are you using
%load_ext rmagic
?If so, try using
%load_ext rpy2.ipython
instead.This is one of the new features in version 2.4.0.