I am writing event data to a log file in an asp.net httphandler by using the File.AppendAllText method. I am concerned with what will happen when multiple requests are received simultaneously. Does AppendAllText lock the file it's writing to?
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no, you should have a static lock object guarding the log-file write, e.g.
You can use My.Log to write to log files.
Edit: If you use the FileLogTraceListener, that listener is thread-safe.
Doing this also allows you to control and configure the logging through the web.config file.
I recommend using the
instead of trying to manage this your self.It is very simple to setup and use:
And then to log something:
It is very simple to use and also there are many different types of listeners for SQL, Event Log, text file, etc. So you won't have to adjust your code if you want to change out the listener.