I need to fill some dropdown boxex from some reference data. i.e City List, Country List etc. I need to fill it in various webforms. I think, we should cache this data in our application so that, we don't hit database on every form. I am new to caching and ASP.Net. Please suggest me how to do this.
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I always add the following class to all my projects which give me easy access to the Cache object. Implementing this, following Hasan Khan's answer would be a good way to go.
From other question of yours I read that you're using 3 layer architecture with dal, business and presentation layer.
So I assume that you have some data access class. Ideal thing to do would be to have a cached implementation of the same class and do caching in that.
Eg: If you have an interface IUserRepository then UserRepository class would implement it and add/delete/update entries in db via methods then you can also have CachedUserRepository which will contain instance of UserRepository object and on get methods it will first look into the cache against some key (derived from method parameters) and if the item is found then it will return it otherwise you call the method on internal object; get the data; add to cache and then return it.
Your CachedUserRepository will also have instance of cache object obviously. You can look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/18c1wd61(v=vs.85).aspx for details on how to use Cache object.