I'm trying to create a form that is validated front end using Parsley.js and submitted asynchronously. The form is called #contactForm and the submit button is #sendData, the error comes when I hit submit on an empty or invalid form. I expect to see an 'Error' alert from invalid form data but instead it just continues with the Else condition and the data is processed by contactForm.php.
$(document).ready(function() {
// submit data on click and check if valid
$('#sendData').click(function(e) {
//check if valid with parsley
var valid = $('#contactForm').parsley ( 'validate' );
if ( valid === false )
$.post("contactForm.php", $("#contactForm").serialize());
Proper solution below.
Here's how your code should look like.
=== false
explicitly. (Parsley will return a truthy value when the form is valid, just use that.)$(document).ready(function() { ...
is$(function() { ...
on the one line that started the statement.)EDIT: In older versions of parsely (before 2.x), use
This is what worked for me:
Yes, it is copied from parsleyjs.org examples. But it works fine!