I have a button, I press it and continue to holding it, if holding time exceeds certain time interval it fires some kind of intent, how can i do this. Thanks
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I got an Exception when I used a Timer! You can also use a Handler like below -
events.When button is pressed (
), start timer, measure time... If timer exceeds, invoke Intent. When button is released ([ACTION_UP][2]
) stop timer.When button will be pressed, timer will be started. If button will be released before 5 seconds timeout, nothing will happen, otherwise your desired action will be executed.
try this
You can use
Touch Listener
to do this.Try:
is theview
(in your case it should button) on which you want to make long click.And
is as followsHope it will help... :)
Apparently, I have misunderstood the question. Please see @Hardik and @Lunar solutions above.
You could get away with doing something like this:
You can override onTouchEvent and calculate the offset between
;Code below will run a runnable after x amount of time and also remove it if
is called before x time. Also included how you can get an exact time value...