I am on Android 2.3.3, API Level 10. I want to read all contacts and data associated to them, therefore e.g. all email addresses, phone numbers, custom fields... I tried it like this:
Uri contactUri = ContactsContract.Contacts.CONTENT_URI;
Cursor contacts = managedQuery(contactUri, null, null, null, null );
do {
for(int i=0;i<contacts.getColumnCount();i++)
System.out.println(contacts.getColumnName(i) + ": " + contacts.getString(i));
} while (contacts.moveToNext());
However this gives me only the following fields:
times_contacted: 0
contact_status: null
custom_ringtone: null
has_phone_number: 1
phonetic_name: null
phonetic_name_style: 0
contact_status_label: null
lookup: [removed]
contact_status_icon: null
last_time_contacted: 0
display_name: [removed]
sort_key_alt: [removed]
in_visible_group: 1
_id: 101
starred: 0
sort_key: [removed]
display_name_alt: [removed]
contact_presence: null
display_name_source: 40
contact_status_res_package: null
contact_chat_capability: null
contact_status_ts: null
photo_id: null
send_to_voicemail: 0
Where are the phone numbers, email addresses...? Thanks for any hint!
See Contact Contract API examples
Take a look at this example