What is the best way to run a search on the current user to retrieve all attributes, including associated groups in Active Directory using LDAP / PHP?
For attributes, mainly just first name, last name, and display name.
For associated groups, just the groups the user is a member of, such as the memberOf function.
I've tried a few options, but can't seem to get the right filter / search combination and most examples cover retrieving lists of users where there's a known group.
I've tried running this after a successful bind:
$attributes = array("displayname");
$filter = "(&(sAMAccountName=$username))";
$result = ldap_search($ds, $ldapconfig['basedn'], $filter, $attributes);
$entries = ldap_get_entries($ds, $result);
if($entries["count"] > 0){
echo "displayName: ".$entries[0]['displayname'][0]."<br/>";
} else {
Which returns the following error: "No such object".
This is the latest block I've tried and am able to get results when I print_r the $info variable, however the for clause is still erring out somewhere. I changed the basedn to just the dc attributes:
$sr=ldap_search($ds, $basedn, $filter, $LDAPFieldsToFind);
$info = ldap_get_entries($ds, $sr);
if($info["count"] > 0) {
for ($x=0; $x<$info["count"]; $x++) {
if (stristr($sam, $SearchFor) && (strlen($dir) > 8)) {
print "\nActive Directory says that:\n";
print "CN is: ".$nam." \n";
print "SAMAccountName is: ".$sam." \n";
print "Given Name is: ".$giv." \n";
print "Telephone is: ".$tel." \n";
print "Home Directory is: ".$dir." \n";
The print_r of the results are:
( [count] => 1 [0] => Array ( [cn] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => George ) [0] => cn [givenname] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => George ) [1] => givenname [memberof] => Array ( [count] => 4 [0] => CN=EQCStaff,CN=Users,DC=EQC,DC=local [1] => CN=RDS Users,OU=Security Groups,OU=Service,DC=EQC,DC=local [2] => CN=SFTP Client Folders,OU=Security Groups,OU=Service,DC=EQC,DC=local [3] => CN=EQC Staff,OU=Security Groups,OU=Service,DC=EQC,DC=local ) [2] => memberof [samaccountname] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => gortiz ) [3] => samaccountname [mail] => Array ( [count] => 1 [0] => user@domain.com ) [4] => mail [count] => 5 [dn] => CN=George,OU=Users,OU=Accounts,DC=EQC,DC=local ) )
Here's a script we have for dumping AD information, maybe it will help you:
User inventor96 has suggested using 11644473600 instead of 11676009600. I can confirm 11644473600 is correct in a Linux environment - my guess is that inventor96 is in a Windows environment.