Laravel 5.1 really had minimal documentation.. I need clear idea about how to protect routes using Auth middileware..
Documentation tells to add "middleware" => "auth" parameter to route. or can do
public function __construct()
But How to use Auth middleware for actual user authentication and auto redirection to /login from protected routes ??
In Kernel.php - there are registered middlewares under protected $routeMiddleware like this:
You can see 'auth' is registered for using App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate.
Then you can follow this path - if you open /app/Http/Middleware/Authenticate.php, you will find public function handle:
and here is where redirection is managed, and you can modify it for your own needs, or you can create custom middleware.
finally - as it is written in documentation - in the controller, which will need to be authenticated, you will add
You can create a custom middleware if provided ones do not suit your needs.
On laravel 5.2 if you want to hide the registration form or the login form views you should use your middleware as:
That is because the register and login routes are the post methods on the AuthController while showXxxxForm are the form views.
Hope it helps anyone.