I was trying to speed up multiple FTP downloads by using threaded FTP connections. My problem is that I always have threads hang. I am looking for a clean way of either telling FTP it needs to retry the ftp transaction, or at least knowing when the FTP connection is hanging.
In the code below I am threading 5/6 separate FTP connections where each thread has a list of files it is expected to download. When the script completes, a few of the threads hang and can not be joined. I am using the variable @last_updated to represent the last successful download time. If the current time + 20 seconds exceeds @last_updated, kill the remaining threads. Is there a better way?
threads = []
max_thread_pool = 5
running_threads = 0
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
existing_file_count = 0
files_downloaded = 0
errors = []
missing_on_the_server = []
@last_updated = Time.now
if ids.length > 0
ids.each_slice(ids.length / max_thread_pool) do |id_set|
threads << Thread.new(id_set) do |t_id_set|
running_threads += 1
thread_num = running_threads
puts "making thread # #{thread_num}"
ftp = Net::FTP.open(@remote_site)
ftp.login(@remote_user, @remote_password)
ftp.binary = true
#ftp.debug_mode = true
ftp.passive = false
raise "Could not establish FTP connection"
t_id_set.each do |id|
@last_updated = Time.now
rmls_path = "/_Photos/0#{id[0,2]}00000/#{id[2,1]}0000/#{id[3,1]}000/#{id}-1.jpg"
local_path = "#{@photos_path}/01/#{id}-1.jpg"
progress += 1
unless File.exist?(local_path)
ftp.getbinaryfile(rmls_path, local_path)
puts "ftp reponse: #{ftp.last_response}"
# find the percentage of progress just for fun
files_downloaded += 1
p = sprintf("%.2f", ((progress.to_f / total) * 100))
puts "Thread # #{thread_num} > %#{p} > #{progress}/#{total} > Got file: #{local_path}"
errors << "#{thread_num} unable to get file > ftp response: #{ftp.last_response}"
puts errors.last
if ftp.last_response_code.to_i == 550
# Add the missing file to the missing list
missing_on_the_server << errors.last.match(/\d{5,}-\d{1,2}\.jpg/)[0]
puts "found file: #{local_path}"
existing_file_count += 1
puts "closing FTP connection #{thread_num}"
end # close thread
# If @last_updated has not been updated on the server in over 20 seconds, wait 3 seconds and check again
while Time.now < @last_updated + 20 do
sleep 3
# threads are hanging so joining the threads does not work.
threads.each { |t| t.kill }
The trick for me that worked was to use ruby's Timeout.timeout to ensure the FTP connection was not hanging.
Hanging FTP downloads were causing my threads to appear to hang. Now that the threads are no longer hanging, I can use the more proper way of dealing with threads:
rather than the ugly: