I am looking for an implementation of the ActionBar in Android 2.1 to 2.3.4 where i can dynamically set the contents of the action bar from the particular activity and also the actions on click of the buttons from the action bar.
Is there any open source lib of this sort or can someone help me how to start on building the same.
Have a look at http://android.cyrilmottier.com/?p=240 - Greendroid.
If it doesn't fit your needs, I suggest creating your own "widget", just need some layouts and inflate the ActionBar programmatically.
There is ActionBarSherlock and android-actionbar.
This question already has an accepted answer. But I was having some problems with SherlockActionBar implementation and searched more and found this. We can use
below API level 11 following this official tutorial given at official Android.Read this tutorial from Android's official site. You just need to include
support jar in your project from yourandroid-sdk-windows\extras\android\support\v7\appcompat\libs
path on your disk. Then you can use ActionBar below API 11 in Android.Official Android Tutorial is here: Action Bar Android Official Sherlock bar was creating issues for me then I got this solution.