I am using WebKit Notifications for my app. Say if I am using this code:
var n = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(
'New Comment',
'Praveen commented on your post!'
n.onclick = function(x) { window.focus(); this.cancel(); };
PS 1: The first five lines are actually a single line. Just for readability I have posted this way.
PS 2: For the full code, please see this: Unable to show Desktop Notifications using Google Chrome.
My question is, what if I have more than one tab opened?
Say if this is gonna get fired when a new comment appears on my app. What if I have more than one tab open? Will this generate many notifications? Say, I have 10 - 15
tabs open and I get two notifications fired. How many notifications will be generated, 20 - 30
If that is the case, how to prevent generation of a single notification multiple times for each opened tab?
You just need to specify "tag" option for notification. Notifications with the same value in tag only shows once even if many tabs are opened.
For example:
A detailed explanation of Tagging notifications so only the last one appears is available on the MDN docs site
An excerpt of the code [just in case the docs go down]
The JS