I'm going to implement a tokenizer in Python and I was wondering if you could offer some style advice?
I've implemented a tokenizer before in C and in Java so I'm fine with the theory, I'd just like to ensure I'm following pythonic styles and best practices.
Listing Token Types:
In Java, for example, I would have a list of fields like so:
public static final int TOKEN_INTEGER = 0
But, obviously, there's no way (I think) to declare a constant variable in Python, so I could just replace this with normal variable declarations but that doesn't strike me as a great solution since the declarations could be altered.
Returning Tokens From The Tokenizer:
Is there a better alternative to just simply returning a list of tuples e.g.
[ (TOKEN_INTEGER, 17), (TOKEN_STRING, "Sixteen")]?
"Is there a better alternative to just simply returning a list of tuples"
I had to implement a tokenizer, but it required a more complex approach than a list of tuples, therefore I implemented a class for each token. You can then return a list of class instances, or if you want to save resources, you can return something implementing the iterator interface and generate the next token while you progress in the parsing.
There's an undocumented class in the
module calledre.Scanner
. It's very straightforward to use for a tokenizer:will result in
I used re.Scanner to write a pretty nifty configuration/structured data format parser in only a couple hundred lines.
I'd turn to the excellent Text Processing in Python by David Mertz
This being a late answer, there is now something in the official documentation: Writing a tokenizer with the
standard library. This is content in the Python 3 documentation that isn't in the Py 2.7 docs. But it is still applicable to older Pythons.This includes both short code, easy setup, and writing a generator as several answers here have proposed.
If the docs are not Pythonic, I don't know what is :-)
I've implemented a tokenizer for a C-like programming language. What I did was to split up the creation of tokens into two layers:
Both are generators. The benefits of this approach were:
I feel quite happy with this layered approach.
When I start something new in Python I usually look first at some modules or libraries to use. There's 90%+ chance that there already is somthing available.
For tokenizers and parsers this is certainly so. Have you looked at PyParsing ?