This is the relevant code of my python program:
import discord
import asyncio
class Bot(discord.Client):
def __init__(self):
def my_background_task(self):
yield from self.wait_until_ready()
while not self.is_closed:
yield from asyncio.sleep(3600*24) # <- This is line 76 where it fails
bot = Bot()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
loop.run_until_complete(bot.login('username', 'password'))
except Exception:
The program occasionally quits (on its own, while it should not) with no other errors or warning other than
Task was destroyed but it is pending!
task: <Task pending coro=<my_background_task() running at bin/> wait_for=<Future pending cb=[Task._wakeup()]>>
How to ensure the program won't randomly quit? I have Python 3.4.3+ on Xubuntu 15.10.
This is because the discord client module needs control once every minute or so.
This means that any function that steals control for more than a certain time causes discord's client to enter an invalid state (which will manifest itself as an exception some point later, perhaps upon next method call of client).
To ensure that the discord module client can ping the discord server, you should use a true multi-threading solution.
One solution is to offload all heavy processing onto a separate process (a separate thread will not do, because Python has a global interpreter lock) and use the discord bot as a thin layer whose responsibility is to populate work queues.
Related reading:
Example solution... this is WAY beyond the scope of the problem, but I already had the code mostly written. If I had more time, I would write a shorter solution :)
2 parts, discord interaction and processing server:
This is the discord listener.
This is the worker server for processing heavy requests. You can make this part sync or async.
I chose to use some magic called a websocket to send data from one python process to another one. But you can use anything you want. You could make one script write files into a dir, and the other script could read the files out and process them, for example.
Now, if you run both processes in separate python scripts, and tell your bot "sleep for 100", it will sleep for 100 seconds happily! The asyncio stuff functions as a make-shift work queue, and you can properly separate the listener from the backend processing by running them as separate python scripts.
Now, no matter how long your functions run in the 'server' part, the client part will never be prevented from pinging the discord server.
Image failed to upload, but... anyway, this is how to tell the bot to sleep and reply... note that the sleep is synchronous.
I don't think problem happens while
. Anyway you shouldn't suppress exception you got:You have to manually stop your task on exit: