I'm using django-crispy-forms with Twitter Bootstrap , and I'm having some issues with customizing my forms into multiple rows and columns. One example problem is that nothing happens when I try to split the form into two columns:
class SomeForm(ModelForm):
helper = FormHelper()
helper.layout = Layout(
Column('field1', 'field3'),
Column('field2', 'field4'),
class Meta:
model = Model
Looking at the html output, I see that there is the <div class="formColumn">
, but the form is displayed in one single column. Maybe is this an css issue? I am using Bootstrap 2.1.
Thanks maraujo.
I've achieved this using the div tag and the bootstrap docs: http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/scaffolding.html
For bootstrap3 replace
http://getbootstrap.com/css/#gridSmall 2018 update on the answer by martinpaulucci:
For Bootstrap 4 and latest django-crispy-forms 1.7.2 use:
The use of the Field tag in stead of the Div tag avoids another unnecessary wrapper div. To improve on that you can replace crispy-forms Row with your own if you're going to use more than one row:
then use: