In my backbone.Marionette application I have a Model that requires an Id attribute to construct it's url. I therefore create the model by passing it an Id, add it to a view and then fetch the model:
model = new Model({_id:id})
view = new View({model:model})
I would expect the view to only start rendering once the model has been fetched, but Marionette renders the model immediately causing my template rendering to fail as the expected attributes don't exist. Any workarounds?
I'm trying to do something similar to the accepted answer here: Binding a Backbone Model to a Marionette ItemView - blocking .fetch()?
But while that works with backbone, as stated in the answer, Marionette automatically renders the view.
Also see: Backbone Marionette Displaying before fetch complete
based on one of Derick Bailey's examples:
If you truly want to prevent rendering until the model has been fetched you should reorder your calls like this:
Alternatively, you should think about rendering immediately and taking advantage of Marionette's blank state support.
Both answers above work.
Here's yet another way which I prefer to use (feels more backboney).
Bind the view directly to the model
When the model is done being fetched, the function you specify will run. This can be done with models or collections.
This also enables you to fetch whenever you want.
I've recenlty run into the same issue and settled on a pattern of using Marionette's event system to let the views communicate their status before firing show(). I'm also using requireJS which adds some additional complexity - but this pattern helps!
I'll have one view with a UI element that when clicked, fires an event to load a new view. This could be a subview or a navview - doesn't matter.
That event is caught by the Wreqr 'setHandlers' and triggers a view loading sequence (in my case I'm doing a bunch of logic to handle state transitions). The 'start' sequence inits the new view and passes in necessary options.
Then the view getting loading handles the collections / models and fetching on initalize. The view listens for model / collection changes and then fires a new "ready" event using wreqr's executre command.
I have a different handler that catches that ready event (and options, including the view opject reference) and triggers the show().
I'll try to write up a decent gist of the whole system and post here in the next week or so.