I'm building web service using JAX-WS. I have a strange problem that the annotation @XmlElement(required=true)
for @WebParam
works in some @WebService
class, but doesn't work in some others.
I have very similar code in the two @WebService
classes. What may cause this problem? Parameter type or the entity class?
Edit: Add sample code
I have two web services:
@WebService(name = "ClubMemberPortType", serviceName = "ClubMemberService", portName = "ClubMemberSoapPort", targetNamespace = "http://club.com/api/ws")
public class ClubMemberWS {
@WebMethod(operationName = "findClubMembersByClubId", action = "urn:findClubMembersByClubId")
@WebResult(name = "club_membership")
public List<ClubMembership> findClubMembershipsByClubId(@XmlElement(required=true)
@WebParam(name = "club_id") String clubId,
@WebParam(name = "status") StatusEnum status){
@WebService(name = "ClubPortType", serviceName = "ClubService", portName = "ClubSoapPort", targetNamespace = "http://club.com/api/ws")
public class ClubWS {
@WebMethod(operationName = "findClubByClubId", action = "urn:findClubByClubId")
@WebResult(name = "club")
public Club findClubByClubId(@XmlElement(required=true)
@WebParam(name = "club_id") String clubId) {
The generated schema for the first web method is:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://club.com/api/ws">
The generated schema for the second web method is:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ws="http://club.com/api/ws">
So the first one works fine, the second one does not work. How is it possible? :(
You try change the order in @WebParam and @XmlElement? actually i have a WS whit this:
And the description generate is:
and the schema definition:
that's it!!
solved my similar problem. Using CXF 2.7.9. Did not try putting@XmlElement
first, could it be that simple?If you are having the following error message: "The annotation @XmlElement is disallowed for this location", chances are you're using the wrong import statement.
Change it to:
As Eclipse suggests another package as the first option, it's a very common mistake.
I have same problem. I found solution in using of separate class for parameters of service method.
maybe this will help