When should I choose Neo4j’s traversal framework over Cypher?
For example, for a friend-of-a-friend query I would write a Cypher query as follows:
MATCH (p:Person {pid:'56'})-[:FRIEND*2..2]->(fof)
WHERE NOT (p)-[:FRIEND]->(fof)
RETURN fof.pid
And the corresponding Traversal implementation would require two traversals for friends_at_depth_1
and friends_at_depth_2
(or a core API call to get the relationships) and find the difference of these two sets using plain java constructs, outside of the traversal description. Correct me if I’m wrong here.
Any thoughts?
An excerpt from the book
Ref: Graph Databases, New Opportunities for Connected Data, p161
What is cypher?
Definition goes in developer doc as follows: cypher is a declarative, SQL-inspired language for describing patterns in graphs visually using an ascii-art syntax.
You can find more about it here.
What is core API practically?
I found this page having following sentence:
So practically speaking core API deals with basic objects such as
which belongs toorg.neo4j.graphdb
package.You can find more at its developer guide.
What is traversal API practically?
Traversal API adds more interfaces to core API to help us conveniently perform traversal, instead of writing the whole traversal logic from scratch. These interfaces are contained in
package.You can find more at its developer guide.
The relation between all three
According to this answer:
Same example done with all three
This tutorial shows all three in action for performing same task.
The key thing to remember about Cypher vs. the traversal API is that the traversal API is an imperative way of accessing a graph, and Cypher is a declarative way of accessing a graph. You can read more about that difference here but the short version is that in imperative access, you're telling the database exactly how to go get the graph. (E.g. I want to do a depth first search, prune these branches, stop when I hit certain nodes, etc). In declarative graph query, you're instead specifying what you want, and you're delegating all aspects of how to get it to the Cypher implementation.
In your query, I'd slightly revise it:
(I added making sure that
because friend links might go back to the original person)To do this in a traverser, you wouldn't need to have two traverser, just one. You'd traverse only
relationships, stop at depth 2, and accumulate a set of results.Now, I'm going to attempt to argue that you should almost always use Cypher, and never use the traversal API unless you have very specific circumstances. Here are my reasons:
OK so when should you use traversal? Two key cases that I know of (others may suggest others)