I have a few open source projects that I manage. I've been posting the .tar.gz
releases for them to a directory on a webserver I run. I would like to post them to github. Is there a simple way to post the release and a signature for the release? My users aren't sophisticated enough to download the release with git; they want to download and install a .tar.gz
file. Some of them may even want to verify the signature.
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I you'd also like to upload other kinds of files (compiled binaries, ...) and edit github releases from the commandline with a rather easy-to-use tool, I made something for that. It's called github-release. It's basically a user-friendly abstraction over the Github releases API. It's written in Go so I took the liberty of cross-compiling it for OSX/linux/windows/FreeBSD, and you can download the binaries from the releases page, of course.
DISCLAIMER: I am the author.