I have a few open source projects that I manage. I've been posting the .tar.gz
releases for them to a directory on a webserver I run. I would like to post them to github. Is there a simple way to post the release and a signature for the release? My users aren't sophisticated enough to download the release with git; they want to download and install a .tar.gz
file. Some of them may even want to verify the signature.
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Other awesome option might be distributing from http://bintray.com. It integrates great with GitHub and gives you so much more when distributing binaries.
There are a few utilities to do what you need.
Take your pick :)
Check out the GitHub Downloads section - no need for git at all to download files from there.
You can fetch a tarball of any tag like so:
One nice option github supports is tagging, and automatic tar.gz/zip creation based on those tags. It makes publishing releases really easy.
On the commit/branch that you'd like to mark as a release, do
then, on github.com/user/repo/tags, you can see all tagged releases. You can link straight to those files, like in jimw's answer.
GitHub have just announced their new "GitHub Releases" feature, which sounds like exactly what you're after: