I need to check CPU and memory usage for the server in java, anyone know how it could be done?
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If you are using the Sun JVM, and are interested in the internal memory usage of the application (how much out of the allocated memory your app is using) I prefer to turn on the JVMs built-in garbage collection logging. You simply add -verbose:gc to the startup command.
From the Sun documentation:
For more info see: http://java.sun.com/docs/hotspot/gc5.0/gc_tuning_5.html
From here
If you use the runtime/totalMemory solution that has been posted in many answers here (I've done that a lot), be sure to force two garbage collections first if you want fairly accurate/consistent results.
For effiency Java usually allows garbage to fill up all of memory before forcing a GC, and even then it's not usually a complete GC, so your results for runtime.freeMemory() always be somewhere between the "real" amount of free memory and 0.
The first GC doesn't get everything, it gets most of it.
The upswing is that if you just do the freeMemory() call you will get a number that is absolutely useless and varies widely, but if do 2 gc's first it is a very reliable gauge. It also makes the routine MUCH slower (seconds, possibly).
If you are using Tomcat, check out Psi Probe, which lets you monitor internal and external memory consumption as well as a host of other areas.
For Eclipse, you can use TPTP (Test and Performance Tools Platform) for analyse memory usage and etc. more information