I'm try to add binary file data directly to the request body of a POST call so I can simulate a file upload. However, I tried setting a 'before request' breakpoint and using 'insert file' but I couldn't seem to get that to work. I also tried to modify CustomRules.js to inject the file but couldn't figure out how to load binary data via JScript. Is there an easy solution here?
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I'm sure this is a new feature in the year since this question was answered, but thought I'd add it anyhow:
There's a blue "[Upload file]" link in Composer now on the right side under the URL textbox. This will create a full multipart/form-data request. If you use this, you'll notice in the body you now have something that looks like this:
<@INCLUDE C:\Some\Path\my-image.jpg@>
In my case, I just wanted to POST the binary file directly with no multipart junk, so I just put the <@INCLUDE ... @> magic in the request body, and that sends the binary file as the body.
In Fiddler script: (in Fiddler: Rules... Customize Rules), find the OnBeforeRequest function, and add a line similar to:
In order to send multipart/form-data, this receipe will be helped.
In upper panel (Http header), set
as below. Other values are automatically resolved.And, input Response Body at the below panel as follows.
The import rules are,
should have two more-
signs than boundary words in body.-
signs.since version 2.0, the Request Body has an "Upload File..." link that allows you to post/upload binary data.