I have a list of tweet ids for which I would like to download their text content. Is there any easy solution to do this, preferably through a Python script? I had a look at other libraries like Tweepy and things don't appear to work so simple, and downloading them manually is out of the question since my list is very long.
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I don't have enough reputation to add an actual comment so sadly this is the way to go:
I found a bug and a strange thing in chrisinmtown answer:
Every 100th tweet will be skipped due to the bug. Here is a simple solution:
Using is better since it works even past the rate limit.
Sharing my work that was vastly accelerated by the previous answers (thank you). This Python 2.7 script fetches the text for tweet IDs stored in a file. Adjust get_tweet_id() for your input data format; original configured for data at https://github.com/mdredze/twitter_sandy
Update April 2018: responding late to @someone bug report (thank you). This script no longer discards every 100th tweet ID (that was my bug). Please note that if a tweet is unavailable for whatever reason, the bulk fetch silently skips it. The script now warns if the response size is different from the request size.
You can access specific tweets by their id with the
API route. Most Python Twitter libraries follow the exact same patterns, or offer 'friendly' names for the methods.For example, Twython offers several
methods, includingTwython.show_status()
that lets you load specific tweets:and the returned dictionary follows the Tweet object definition given by the API.
library usestweepy.get_status()
:where it returns a slightly richer object, but the attributes on it again reflect the published API.
You can access tweets in bulk (up to 100 at a time) with the status/lookup endpoint: https://dev.twitter.com/rest/reference/get/statuses/lookup