I'm trying to create a grid of Angular-Material cards that behaves somewhat like a Bootstrap grid. Ideally, cards will be full-width for small screen widths and jump to two columns at larger breakpoints.
The problem is that A-M creates columns for each card. I haven't figured out how to specify the number of columns for each breakpoint.
Here's the basis of the markup I'm using, which takes the card layout from rows to columns at the first breakpoint:
<div ng-app layout="column" layout-gt-sm="row" class="layout-sm-column layout-row">
<div flex class="flex" ng-repeat="i in [1,2,3,4,5] track by $index">
There's a similar question on SO already, but accepted answer is unsatisfactory as it uses custom CSS and the cards aren't fluid-width. I've found no other similar examples.
I suppose I could loop every two cards with Angular and create stacked sets, but that seems needlessly cumbersome. I have to think that Material provides for a better solution. Also, such solutions would leave whitespace in the page where cards vary in height. Material seems geared toward a Masonry-like flex layout, and I'd like to stick with that.
If I understood the question right, this works like a charm:
Plunker with multiple breakpoints : (resize the inner window, not the browser window) http://plnkr.co/edit/8QPYdzLD8qzEbdz5sesE?p=preview
The plunker has been updated to show cards with different height.
2 directives have been made, so the biggest height of all cards is kept in memory and this one is applied to all cards.
if i understood your question right Then use this code and replace the hello with anything you like
Check this example: http://codepen.io/ktn/pen/jqNBOe
You can use the material Grid-List, it allows for custom col-spans and animates the changes when the width changes.
I adapted the sample from the site and added
in the contents. Make sure to addlayout-fill
on themd-card
. You can easily adapt the sample for your column count.http://codepen.io/anon/pen/QypjWY
I also adapted your 5 card sample. You need to know the height of the cards in order to use the Grid-List, but you can easily achieve the 100% height on small screens. You can use ratios or fixed CSS heights for the rows and then it is your cards job to display the content in a flexible way.
If you are instead looking for some kind of staggered grid, then you have to add a library: angular-deckgrid, it just provides the grid layout, everything in the content is angular-material. Unlike angular-masonry this library doesn't have any dependencies. If you are not worried about adding jQuery and the like then you can also use angular-masonry.
The important part for the deck layout is the CSS configuration. With this you configure the number of columns and their width. I have used a media query for the angular-material
breakpoint to switch to single column layout.http://jsfiddle.net/2afaok1n/39/
Edit 2:
There is also a masonry version which doesn't require jQuery and a simple directive to use it: angular-masonry-directive. Here is an example, it works similar to the other one.