It seems that in iOS 7 an app can not start Location Manager (by calling startUpdatingLocation) from the background task anymore.
In iOS 6 I used approach described here: to run background location update every n minutes. The idea was to run background task with a timer and start Location Manager when the timer triggers it. After that turn off Location Manager and start another background task.
After updating to iOS 7 this approach does not work anymore. After starting Location Manager an app does not receive any locationManager:didUpdateLocations. Any ideas?
I tried your method but it didn't work on my side. Can you show me your code?
I actually found a solution to solve the location service problem in iOS 7.
In iOS 7, you can not start the location service in background. If you want the location service to keep running in the background, you have to start it in foreground and it will continue to run in the background.
If you were like me, stop the location service and use timer to re-start it in the background, it will NOT work in iOS 7.
For more detailed information, you can watch the first 8 minutes of video 307 from WWDC 2013:
Update: The location service can work in background as well. Please check Background Location Services not working in iOS 7 for the updated post with complete solution posted on Github and a blog post explaining the details.
I found the problem/solution. When it is time to start location service and stop background task, background task should be stopped with a delay (I used 1 second). Otherwise location service wont start. Also Location Service should be left ON for a couple of seconds (in my example it is 3 seconds).
Another important notice, max background time in iOS 7 is now 3 minutes instead of 10 minutes.
Updated on October 29 '16
There is a cocoapod APScheduledLocationManager that allows to get background location updates every n seconds with desired location accuracy.
The repository also contains an example app written in Swift 3.
Updated on May 27 '14
Objective-C example:
1) In ".plist" file set
to "location".2) Create instance of
anywhere you want.3) Set it up
4) Implement delegate methods
Here is implementation of ScheduledLocationManager:
Steps to get this implemented are as follows:
Add "App registers for location updates" at item 0 in "Required background modes" in info.plist of your project.
Write below code at application did finish launching.
Write below code from where you want to start tracking
Paste following code to AppDelegate.m
Add a class by name "LocationUtil" and paste following code into the header file:
And paste following code in LocationUtil.m