I think this might be a classic question but I am not aware of an answer. Can a program output a copy of itself, and, if so, is there a short program that does this?
I do not accept the "empty program" as an answer, and I do not accept programs that have access to there own source code. Rather, I am thinking something like this:
int main(int argc, char** argv){ printf("int main(argc, char** argv){ printf...
but I do not know how to continue...
I assume you allow interpreted languages. (At some level, all languages are interpreted.) Somebody writes the interpreter, and if you are writing it, you can add to it any built-in functions you like, such as a (lispy) function
that does nothing except print "(foo)
".Or you can add a more complex macro-type function
(printMeAndMyArgs ...)
.So the trick is in how you define the problem.
The basic idea of most quines is:
You write code that takes a string literal
and prints it, while replacing occurrences (or the occurrence) of a special substring foo ins
by the value ofs
itself.You take the entire source code of the program so far and use it as the definition for
. but you exclude the definition ofs
from the string, instead replacing it by foo.Well, that's the general idea. The rest is string formatting details, really.
Michael Sipser’s “Introduction to the Theory of Computation” explains in one of the chapters how to construct a quine. I have recently written a Java program based on that idea and posted it at : http://bornagainprogrammer.net/2009/11/07/hello-world-from-the-tm-self/
I'd suggest you get hold of that book and try implementing the program yourself in your favorite language. There are lot of other fun theorems in that book.
It is possible in Java, but with some constraints.
I have written a simple code in java which prints itself. You can use literals of C/C++ to use the same program. You can add anything you want inside this program, it will print itself completely.
Java file should not be inside any package
Folder structure should not contain any folders with spaces in its name
Compilation target should be default or same folder where java file resides
Yes. Here's a C program that does it that I wrote about 20 years ago.