This MEAN-stack tutorial describes using Bower to install AngularJS in your public folder. One of the steps describes creating a file called ".bowerrc" in your test-app folder. However, Windows won't let you create a file without a name. How do I accomplish this on a Windows system?
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Another way to accomplish this is through Notepad++.
To create a file that starts with a "." in Windows, you just need to add a trailing ".".
So, simply name your file ".bowerrc." instead of ".bowerrc".
See for more information and more detailed solution if this doesn't work for you.
Simply rename the file you created:
on the command line (make sure to cd into your working directory), issue this command:
This will also work for other files common to webdev like
Note: If you haven't installed git bash for windows, you may not have support for the
command. In that case (as mentioned in one of the comments here), the easiest way to accomplish this is via the cli with: