Enabling Microsoft's Code Analysis on .NET Cor

2019-02-05 18:04发布

Our team uses the Code Analysis feature with a custom ruleset to cause our build to fail if we forget to do things like null checks on method arguments.

However, now as we create a new .NET Core project, it doesn't look like Code Analysis is a feature of these new projects. There is no UI for it in the Project Properties area, and adding a custom ruleset to the project as recommended here only appears to affect StyleCop Analyzers (the SAxxxx rules).

Is there any way to enable Code Analysis (CAxxxx) rules in a .NET Core project?

2楼-- · 2019-02-05 18:26


Apparently the right way to do this is to install the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FxCopAnalyzers NuGet package. This works great, even on ASP.NET Core projects, and doesn't require the <RunCodeAnalysis> flag at all.

Original Answer

I realized that there's another tag in the csproj file which actually enables code analysis. The <PropertyGroup> tag in my .csproj file now looks like this:


And it works great, at least on normal projects. An ASP.NET Core project is producing the following errors:

CA0055 : Could not identify platform for 'C:\Source\...\bin\Debug\netcoreapp1.1\....dll'.
CA0052 : No targets were selected.
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