How can you find out which process is listening on a port on Windows?
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For Windows, if you want to find stuff listening or connected to port 1234, execute the following at the cmd prompt:
Type in the command:
netstat -aon | findstr :DESIRED_PORT_NUMBER
For example, if I want to find port 80:
netstat -aon | findstr :80
This answer was originally posted in this thread.
If you'd like to use a GUI tool to do this there's SysInternals TCPView.
The -b switch mentioned in most answers requires you to have administrative privileges on the machine. You don't really need elevated rights to get the process name!
Find the pid of the process running in the port number (e.g., 8080)
Find the process name by pid
Get PID and Image Name
Use only one command:
should be replaced by your port number.The output will contain something like this:
it iterates through every line from the output of the following command:
from every line, the PID (
- the name is not important here) is extracted (PID is the5
th element in that line) and passed to the following commandIf you want to skip the header and the return of the command prompt, you can use:
For those using Powershell, try