How do I add a border to a button? Is it possible to do this without resorting to use of images?
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file in your drawable folder.res/drawable/button_border.xml
And add button to your XML activity layout and set background
.create drawable/button_green.xml:
and point it out as
:If your button does not require a transparent background, then you can create an illusion of a border using a Frame Layout. Just adjust the FrameLayout's "padding" attribute to change the thickness of the border.
I'm not sure if the shape xml files have dynamically-editable border colors. But I do know that with this solution, you can dynamically change the color of the border by setting the FrameLayout background.
In your XML layout:
In the drawable folder, create a file for the button's border style:
And in your Activity:
Step 1 : Create file named : my_button_bg.xml
Step 2 : Place this file in res/drawables.xml
Step 3 : Insert below code
Step 4: Use code "android:background="@drawable/my_button_bg" where needed eg below:
Please look here about creating a shape drawable
Once you have done this, in the XML for your button set