I'm pretty new to Ruby so apologies if this is an obvious question.
I'd like to use named parameters when instantiating a Struct, i.e. be able to specify which items in the Struct get what values, and default the rest to nil.
For example I want to do:
Movie = Struct.new :title, :length, :rating
m = Movie.new :title => 'Some Movie', :rating => 'R'
This doesn't work.
So I came up with the following:
class MyStruct < Struct
# Override the initialize to handle hashes of named parameters
def initialize *args
if (args.length == 1 and args.first.instance_of? Hash) then
args.first.each_pair do |k, v|
if members.include? k then
self[k] = v
super *args
Movie = MyStruct.new :title, :length, :rating
m = Movie.new :title => 'Some Movie', :rating => 'R'
This seems to work just fine, but I'm not sure if there's a better way of doing this, or if I'm doing something pretty insane. If anyone can validate/rip apart this approach, I'd be most grateful.
I ran this initially in 1.9.2 and it works fine; however having tried it in other versions of Ruby (thank you rvm), it works/doesn't work as follows:
- 1.8.7: Not working
- 1.9.1: Working
- 1.9.2: Working
- JRuby (set to run as 1.9.2): not working
JRuby is a problem for me, as I'd like to keep it compatible with that for deployment purposes.
In this ever-increasing rambling question, I experimented with the various versions of Ruby and discovered that Structs in 1.9.x store their members as symbols, but in 1.8.7 and JRuby, they are stored as strings, so I updated the code to be the following (taking in the suggestions already kindly given):
class MyStruct < Struct
# Override the initialize to handle hashes of named parameters
def initialize *args
return super unless (args.length == 1 and args.first.instance_of? Hash)
args.first.each_pair do |k, v|
self[k] = v if members.map {|x| x.intern}.include? k
Movie = MyStruct.new :title, :length, :rating
m = Movie.new :title => 'Some Movie', :rating => 'R'
This now appears to work for all the flavours of Ruby that I've tried.
If your hash keys are in order you can call the splat operator to the rescue:
The less you know, the better. No need to know whether the underlying data structure uses symbols or string, or even whether it can be addressed as a
. Just use the attribute setters:It takes both positional and keyword arguments:
Based on @Andrew Grimm's answer, but using Ruby 2.0's keyword arguments:
Note that this does not allow mixing of regular and keyword arguments-- you can only use one or the other.
this doesn't exactly answer the question but I found it to work well if you have say a hash of values you wish to structify. It has the benefit of offloading the need to remember the order of attributes while also not needing to subClass Struct.
MyStruct = Struct.new(:height, :width, :length)
hash = {height: 10, width: 111, length: 20}
MyStruct.new(*MyStruct.members.map {|key| hash[key] })
Synthesizing the existing answers reveals a much simpler option for Ruby 2.0+:
Usage is identical to the existing
, where any argument not given will default tonil
:If you want to require the arguments like Ruby 2.1+'s required kwargs, it's a very small change:
At that point, overriding
to give certain kwargs default values is also doable:A solution that only allows Ruby keyword arguments (Ruby >=2.0).
This kind of structure can be really useful as a value object especially if you like more strict method accessors which will actually error instead of returning
(a la OpenStruct).