I'm trying to implement this application. At the moment I have designed tabs on it and since I have more than 7 tabs it looks too congested. How can I design it so that the tabwidget is scrollable horizontally. I have seen this design on few of the apps at the market but no clue how to implement this in my app.
One app I saw had a horizontal scrollview where it scrolls on its own and when you press the particular image/button it displays some content. It didn't seem to be tabs I guess.
So does anyone have an idea of this?
Please check out Jake Wharton's ViewPager app. That is exactly what you need. It is a library project, so you have to include it in your project.
JakeWharton / Android-ViewPagerIndicator
TabLayout from Android design library
Change Texts to your taste. Place in a relatveLayout and alignToParentBottom="true" Hope this helps
Check this link: https://dzone.com/articles/scrolling-tabs-android
This is a pretty good example by using HorizontalScrollView. http://java.dzone.com/articles/scrolling-tabs-android