I followed the steps in Finding memory leaks with the LLVM/Clang Static Analyzer but I was unable to run static analyzer on my project.
When I try to run xcodebuild
on my project (1. Open Terminal, 2. Go to Project Directly, 3. > xcodebuild), I get this error:
Checking Dependencies... CodeSign
error: no certificate found in
keychain for code signing identity
'iPhone Developer'
How can I run this tool on my code? - I'm testing with simulator. Thanks.
It can be tricky to set the base sdk. I like this approach:
I would have sworn that I had already set the sdk via the more traditional 'Build' tab, but hey... The 'Build' tab approach failed me (who know what I did wrong), but this worked great.
Good luck.
[Edit - I just visited the link posted in the Question - which repeats, but does not emphasize, what I'm claiming here.]
I'm the author of the blog post that you reference in your question. If codelogic's comments are not enough to point you in the right direction you can wait until a bit later today and I will update the blog post with some more information about running xcodebuild against iPhone projects.
-- Michael
Alright, I've updated the post with a section titled iPhone Usage. Hope this helps!
Finding Memory Leaks With The LLVM/Clang Static Analyzer
I haven't used the tool in question but the issue you're seeing appears to be a bothced xcodebuild command. Ensure that your target is the Simulator and not the device (-target command line argument).
It looks strange but I've switched active Configuration to Debug EVERYWHERE but still got same error (like Release is active). Xcode 3.1.3 version.
I was able to fix problem just after removing Release configuration at all from active target.