I need to write a digital oscilloscope type application. There are many great static graphing controls out there, but I need something that can graph 16 traces processing 4000 samples per second.
Is anyone aware of a high speed graphing control for .NET? I'll even take MFC since that can be wrapped into a .NET control.
Thanks for the help!
I would recommend a National Instruments solution for .NET. National Instruments always had a leading position in data acquisition and instrument control. They have a library for charting/graphing in .NET however it is commercial.
You might look at Visual Numerics.
You may want to take a look at Steema Teechart (http://www.steema.com/teechart/net). I must add that I do not have any hands-on expericience with very high speed processing.
I'd recommend the Universal Real-Time Software Oscilloscope GUI DLL Library. It's only a DLL, but is capable of high performance. Take a look at the example applications.