I'm trying to upload files within MVC. Most solution I saw on SO is use webform. I don't want to use that and personly prefer using streams. How do you implement RESTful file uploading on MVC? Thanks!
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Edit: And just when you think you have it all figured out you realise that there is a better way. Check out http://haacked.com/archive/2010/07/16/uploading-files-with-aspnetmvc.aspx
Original: I am not sure that I understand your question 100%, but I assume that you want to upload a file to a url that looks something like http://{server name}/{Controller}/Upload? This would be implemented exactly like a normal file upload using web forms.
So your controller has an action named upload and looks similar to this:
In this case I am returning Json to indicate success, but you can change this to xml (or anything for that matter) if needed.