I have Rails3 application with model user and field expires_at created like this:
t.column :expires_at, :timestamp
In my database (postgresql) it has type:
timestamp without timezone
The problem is when I call:
@user.expires_at = Time.now
it is saved into database with UTC timezone (my local time is UTC + 1:00, Warsaw) but I don't want that. I just want to have time with my local timezone saved into the database (2011-03-30 01:29:01.766709, not 2011-03-29 23:29:01.766709)
Can I achieve this using rails3?
For saving time in local timezone to database this has to be set in
If you only want to use local times on certain columns, rather than as a global setting, then the Rails documentation tells us this:
(This also skips time zone conversion on writing, not just reading). And you can pass in an array of symbols for multiple attributes.
I am not sure which versions of Rails this was introduced in, though.