I am trying to scan rows in a HTML table using partial href xpath and perform further tests with that row's other column values.
<div id = "blah">
<td><a href="afile?key=HONDA">link</a></td>
<td>29 33 485</td>
<td>45.2934,00 EUR</td>
<td><a href="afile?key=HONDA">link</a></td>
<td>22 93 485</td>
<td>38.336.934,123 EUR</td>
<td><a href="afile?key=something_else">link</a></td>
<td>394 27 3844</td>
<td>3.485,2839 EUR</td>
In cucumber-jvm step definition, I performed this much easily like below (I am more comfortable using Ruby)
@Given("^if there are...$")
public void if_there_are...() throws Throwable {
baseTable = driver.findElement(By.id("blah"));
tblRows = baseTable.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
for(WebElement row : tblRows) {
if (row.findElements(By.xpath(".//a[contains(@href,'key=HONDA')]")).size() > 0) {
List<WebElement> col = row.findElements(By.tagName("td"));
tblData dummyThing = new tblData();
dummyThing.col1 = col.get(0).getText();
dummyThing.col2 = col.get(1).getText();
dummyThing.col3 = col.get(2).getText();
dummyThing.col4 = col.get(3).getText();
I am clueless here
page.find('#blah').all('tr').each { |row|
# if row matches xpath then grab that complete row
# so that other column values can be verified
# I am clueless from here
row.find('td').each do { |c|
page.find('#blah').all('tr').find(:xpath, ".//a[contains(@href,'key=HONDA')]").each { |r|
#we got the row that matches xpath, let us do something
I think you are looking to do:
This basically says to:
You could also use xpath to collapse the above into a single statement. However, I do not think it is as readable:
Here is an example of how to inspect each matching row's link url and column values: