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An Intent is a class,that is bind the information for doing some actions.
example:passing data one activity to another actvity when user perform such actions in
present activity.
You can think of an intent as an “intent to do something”. It’s a type of message that allows you to bind separate objects (such as activities) together at runtime.
If one activity wants to start a second activity, it does it by sending an intent to Android. Android will start the second activity and pass it the intent.
Head First Android Development
According to their documentation:
Here is the link with example: http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/starting-activity.html#BuildIntent
As the document describes, in order to start an activity (you also need to understand what activity is) use the intent like below
In a broad view, we can define Intent as
Intents are used to initiate another activity from one activity.It is basically used for several purposes such as sending data to another activity from one activity,and for triggering purposes.
They are basically of two types
Implicit intents.
Explicit intents.
As a beginner I know this much,I think this will give some basic idea about android intents
Intent is an intention to perform an operation.
In detail you can refer
Also, in my blog
Take a look if it is helpful for you.
Thank you.