I'm working on an app which uses Facebook integration, and the log in
system works fine now. However, I can't seem to return to my initial view controller when the user clicks log out
Here's an overview of my storyboard
I would like to return to the start when the user clicks the blue button
(on the top). What would I do to achieve that? As you can see I have multiple Navigation Controllers
, and I only use Push-segues
to get there. However, I do use the SWRevealViewController
, which you can see in the middle.
I've tried [self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
which doesn't do anything.
Any advice? Anyone familiar with the SWRevealViewController
and what it might have done to my Navigation
stack? Any help will be appreciated!
First of all, I don't think you need that many UINavigationControllers. Using only one in your application should be enough. The reason popToRootViewController is not working in your case is because it will go to the first view controller withing a UINavigationController. You have nested many UINavigationControllers, thus when you click the blue button in the settings view controller it will go to the sidebar view controller (can't read it properly, the image is small).
You can do the following to get to the root view controller of your app:
Replace AppDelegate with however it's called in your app.
But my advice is to remove all intermediate UINavigationControllers. Then just doing popToRootViewController should do the trick.
I'm using swift and what worked for me was this:
Write Below Method in root viewcontroller
Give segue connection to destination view controller like below![see in image](https://i.stack.imgur.com/oYgLT.png)
Give identifier to segue and assign method to that segue
use below method in destination view controller
I was working on a very similar problem. I am using a storyboard with a navigation controller & implemented the highly recommended SWRevealViewController, with iOS 7 & Xcode 5.1. I tried unsuccessfully to implement some of the solutions mentions. Either the screen didn't change or I got blank table. I used a hybrid version of the programatic examples provided in SWRevealController & other answers here to get a working solution. I added this as apart of my login button action
I retrieved my storyboard & initiated the view controller I wanted from the storyboard & then added to a navigation controller. Finally I used the SWRevealViewController method to Push the view I desired to the front.
When you have different storyboards simply "presenting" the required VC from the initial storyboard does the trick:
Swift 3
In some cases there might be leaking UITransitionView's. You might remove them right after the "presenting" code, but not before it and not in it's completion:
<– This works as of Xcode 8.2.1 and iOS 10.2 but no guarantee if will work forever. Be careful with it.
I recommend you take a quick look at the highly rated SO answer which demonstrates how to use the unwind segue (that's the little green exit box on your view controller in the storyboard). Unwind segues are the modern way of accomplishing your goal, but you can also call dismissViewController:animated from the source controller. You should also take a quick read of a very small Apple note (TN2298) on using the unwind segue.
Essentially you will want to add the following method to your destination view controller:
Then use ctrl+drag and click from the blue button down to the green exit icon on the source view controller. This will popup a menu and you can select
from the list. You will need to give the new segue an identifier in the Identity Inspector (e.g. segueToMain).Manual Unwind
The technical note above (TN2298) will also show you how you can create a manual unwind segues that may be called programmatically (similar to how one might say performSegueWithIdentifier...).