How to use router.navigateByUrl and router.navigat

2019-02-04 17:12发布 gives a good overview of how to create links that will take the user to a different route in Angular4, however I can't find how to do the same thing programmatically rather needing the user to click a link

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2楼-- · 2019-02-04 18:04


routerLink directive as used like this:

<a [routerLink]="/inbox/33/messages/44">Open Message 44</a>

is just a wrapper around imperative navigation using router and its navigateByUrl method:


as can be seen from the sources:

export class RouterLink {

  onClick(): boolean {
    this.router.navigateByUrl(this.urlTree, extras);
    return true;

So wherever you need to navigate a user to another route, just inject the router and use navigateByUrl method:

class MyComponent {
   constructor(router: Router) {


There's another method on the router that you can use - navigate:


difference between the two

Using router.navigateByUrl is similar to changing the location bar directly–we are providing the “whole” new URL. Whereas router.navigate creates a new URL by applying an array of passed-in commands, a patch, to the current URL.

To see the difference clearly, imagine that the current URL is '/inbox/11/messages/22(popup:compose)'.

With this URL, calling router.navigateByUrl('/inbox/33/messages/44') will result in '/inbox/33/messages/44', and calling router.navigate('/inbox/33/messages/44') will result in '/inbox/33/messages/44(popup:compose)'.

Read more in the official docs.

3楼-- · 2019-02-04 18:08

In addition to the provided answer, there are more details to navigate. From the function's comments:

 * Navigate based on the provided array of commands and a starting point.
 * If no starting route is provided, the navigation is absolute.
 * Returns a promise that:
 * - resolves to 'true' when navigation succeeds,
 * - resolves to 'false' when navigation fails,
 * - is rejected when an error happens.
 * ### Usage
 * ```
 * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route});
 * // Navigate without updating the URL
 * router.navigate(['team', 33, 'user', 11], {relativeTo: route, skipLocationChange: true});
 * ```
 * In opposite to `navigateByUrl`, `navigate` always takes a delta that is applied to the current
 * URL.

The Router Guide has more details on programmatic navigation.

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