How do you implement the parameter tab completion for PowerShell functions or cmdlets like Get-Service and Get-Process in PowerShell 3.0?
I realise ValidateSet works for a known list, but I want to generate the list on demand.
Adam Driscoll hints that it is possible for cmdlets but unfortunately hasn't elaborated.
Trevor Sullivan shows a technique for functions, but as I understand it, his code only generates the list at the time the function is defined.
Check the TabExpansionPlusPlus module on github, written by a former PowerShell team magician.
I puzzled over this for a while, because I wanted to do the same thing. I put together something that I'm really happy with.
You can add ValidateSet attributes from a DynamicParam. Here's an example of where I've generated my ValidateSet on-the-fly from an xml file. See the "ValidateSetAttribute" in the following code:
With that, I can type
and it will tab-complete "MarcusModule" if that module was in the XML file. Furthermore, I can edit the XML file and the tab-completion behavior will immediately change; you don't have to re-import the function.
Classically, I used regex.
for example,
Posh-git renames TabExpansion to TabExpansionBackup in GitTabExpansion.ps1.
And posh-git's redifined TabExpansion calls original TabExpansion(TabExpansionBackup) when completions don't match with git commands.
So all you have to do is redefine TabExpansionBackup.
(cat .\GitTabExpansion.ps1 | select -last 18)
============================== GitTabExpansion.ps1 ==============================
Redefine TabExpansionBackup(original TabExpansion)