I need to display some charts/graphs based upon user inputs on my web aplication built using Ruby on Rails. Are there any charting libraries out there that I could use with ROR for displaying simple bar, line and pie graphs?
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Down with flash and imagemagick.
Try Highcharts with the lazy high charts plugin for ruby: github.com/michelson/lazy_high_charts.
There is another gem called scruffy that does not need rmagick & imagemagick/graphicsmagick if you want to generate only svg.
Here is the project page http://scruffy.rubyforge.org that has quite a few examples
Chartkick looks trending at the moment and also works with Highcharts.
Or cloudsource the charts via google - here's the gem for that: https://github.com/mattetti/googlecharts
For small graphs, there is Sparklines
In addition to the aptly named googlecharts gem mentioned above there are two more that use the Google Charts API, gchartb and ruby-googlechart.
For the very awesome protovis javascript charting library, looks like someone has started a rails plugin called protovis on rails, but it still looks rough and hasn't been touched in a while.